Let’s Duo It!

“Dual Reality”

There’s nothing like the augmented reality mobile game called Pokémon GO developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices.

It combines augmented reality (AR) with real world settings which enables players have those pocket monsters blend with the natural environment.


Gamers, called “Pokémon Trainers,” are able to integrate Pokemon into various landscapes and scenery using the game’s AR technology that was a first of its kind.

It was a phenomenon which not only brought fun and excitement to gamers alone but sometimes also had that kind of effect on those who didn’t play but heard of the game.


Non-gamers who are sometimes drawn by it when around one who’s playing, at times getting curious and also eager to see these creatures lurking in this dual reality fusion.

“Gotta Catch ‘Em All!”

Generation 4 is live now and Pokemon Trainers who are still playing to date are still out there still trying to live up to the games slogan “Gotta Catch ‘Em All!”

However, there are many other reasons why different trainers around the world play the game, have come back playing, or continue to play the game until now.


Some play for fun, to manage stress, make new friends, become the best trainer, or maybe simply to live one’s dream of becoming a Master Pokémon Trainer via the game.

Pokemon GO = “PoGO,” Playing PoGO = “PoGOing” So having coffee after playing Pokemon GO is? “‘Koffing!’ that is!”

A Master Pokémon Trainer? Sometimes it makes one wonder, now what does that really mean in this game world of Pokémon GO?

If one has really been playing the game, one is already quite aware that catching ’em all and filling up one’s Pokédex is just half of it all.


“Pokémon Training”

What is Pokémon training? How does one go about it and what is really the true essence and meaning why one needs to train Pokémon in the game?

Before the Gym rework, if a gym’s not Level 10 yet, training meant having your Pokémon battle a same team Gym to increase its prestige to open up a slot and add your defender.

But is that it? Would like to share a little more detail from Pokémon Go GamePress below on how really one goes about it in training Pokémon’s.


There are many types of Pokémon, caught or hatched, a Pokémon has its own innate Individual Values (IVs), have different base set of attributes and of percentage trained.

The percentage trained a Pokémon has is marked by the arc of that semi-circle found above a Pokémon that’s just below the figure that indicates a Pokémon Combat Power.

“Evolving and Powering Up”

Pokémon do have randomized levels (percentage trained) or can be at their different stage of evolution (if a Pokémon has one or two) when caught or hatched.

A Pokémon can change form by evolution and evolving it changes its move sets and increases its strength but the percentage of training will remain the same.

Powering up a Pokémon increases its Combat Power and strength. But in order to do so, it needs a certain number of stardust and candies that depends on the Pokémon’s level.


The game has forty levels, and a Pokémon Trainer increases ones level by gaining the required experience (XP) per level, experience gained thru achievements in the game.

And a Pokémon’s level thru evolution and powering up also depends on the trainers current level. And as a trainer nears the max level, Pokémon’s levels can do too.

In a nutshell, Evolving and Powering Up Pokémon are part of Pokémon training, i.e., training ideal Pokémon for the purpose of Battling in Gyms and/or defending it.

“Master Pokémon Trainer”

The road to becoming a Master Pokémon Trainer for one is not just about knowing all the names of the different kinds of Pokémon available in existing generations so far.

There are many types of Pokémon that have different strengths, weaknesses, Individual Values-Statistics, i.e., Combat Power (CP), Hit Points (HP), Attack, Defense, Stamina, etc.

Each Pokémon then possess different IVs, values that are hidden and may need a tool to determine. These stats come into play when choosing which Pokémon to train.


Stardust and candies gathered in the game are used to transform select Pokémon for a Trainers suitable Team to conquer rival Gyms, do Raid Battles or assign Gyms Defenders.

A Master’s main goal of Pokémon training then is knowing what type and which ones are suitable to be trained well to succeed in defending or winning as many Pokémon Battles.

“Raid Battles”

Another kind of Gym feature are Raid Battles. This happens when a Boss Pokémon takes over a gym, and the opponents here are usually stronger than most other Pokémon.

Unlike Gym Battles where your team of trained Pokémon go against Pokémon defenders of other rival teams, Raid Battles have Pokémon that are much more difficult to defeat.


Raids have five tiers of difficulty, ranging from one to five (T1-T5). The higher the tier, the more difficult it is for one to single-handedly win and get a chance at catching that Boss.


However, some tiers can be taken on alone. Tiers one and two can be soloed as well as Tier three. But T3 sometimes depends on one’s level, otherwise it may take at least two.

There is strength in numbers. With the help of other fellow Trainers there’s always that guarantee of prevailing in Raid Battles and it makes it easier and faster with a big group.

“Let’s Duo It!”

One is Solo and two is a Duo. Now is it possible to Duo Raid higher Tiers four and five and prevail? Indeed, it’s possible. For many have already done it in Duo, Yes, it’s true.

Not all Trainers do Raids with a big group. Some may belong to a small group, haven’t hooked up with an existing community, or just prefer to do it with friends or a partner.


Working, time constraints, having different schedules or availability, some trainers may not be able to join Raids with a big group often and can maybe do it with a partner only.

And there maybe some trainers out there who may feel that doing it with a big group size is somewhat overkill, trainers who are looking or eager for a more challenging scenario.

These are the select trainers who may have that Perfect Pokémon Team and just love to duo it. Still, some trainers who Duo, up the challenge by seeing how fast they can “Dou it.”

“Against the odds!”

It might not come as quite a shock, many trainers around the world have done this. Higher Tiers four and five have been Duo Raid with success… “Duo-ed it!”

Duo-ing it can be challenging but if both trainers have the absolute best, a Perfect Pokémon Team with maximum IVs and the best Move sets, “it can be easy as pie.”


No question about it! A Perfect Pokémon Team, it can be done! But here is another question… “Can it be done duo-ing it with just ‘Average Pokémon Joe’s’ at hand?”

That is, both trainers only using a team of Good to Excellent IV Pokémon’s, and maybe just throw in one Perfect IV Pokémon in the team, if one is all that one’s got then.

So, despite very low probability and in a most unlikely way, some who duo this can still manage a win. Duoing it versus a powerful boss here’s like against the odds we can say.

“Iligan’s Pioneering Duo”

Iligan City is dubbed the “City of Waterfalls” and we do have a bunch of Pokémon Trainers and a Community here, and “we duo have two who’d like to duo it too.”

DocZokemon & Yurimik2007
Iligan Pokemon GO Trainers DocZokemon & Yurimik2007

So two trainers there was, DocZokemon and YuriMik2007 that is, Iligan’s Pioneering Duo. Well, it all just started out as an idea, a call to arms in the spur of the moment.

A call and test to see what all this Pokémon training is for, to see what two can really duo. Our Pioneering Iligan Duo Team then set out to accomplish a set goal and mission.

With “Average Pokémon Joe’s,” our Pioneering Iligan Duo Team set out to fulfill that ultimate duo mission and goal-to be able to successfully duo raid tiers four or five bosses.

So making use of what they had, they tried and see if they, like the rest of the world of PoGo who duo-ed it with regulars, can dou it too. Okay, okay, we’ll see what did they duo.

“We can Duo it too!”

Raiding with a big group size is good, it really saves one a lot of potions and scanty revives. But if these items are no object, two can really try and see what they can duo.

Doing Duo Raids of tiers four and five presents a different kind of challenge and difficulty. And using average Pokémon Joe’s in the process tends to up the challenge.

Tyranitar’s “Water Challenge”

But it can also be a good time to showcase an opportunity to see how one’s Pokémon training, and of how average Pokémon Joe’s fare, a good test to see how far they can go.


Through the course of it all, our Pioneering Iligan Duo Team managed to pull through again and again. Successfully prevailing over varying tiers four and then tier five Raids.

DocZokemon & Yurimik2007 All-Time DUO Raid 

You can’t win them all. But each time you do, it is pretty intense, it’s such a tremendous moment! A great sense of fulfillment, a sweet victory one can’t forget, and cherish.

“Yes, you can Duo-it!”

The question in Dou-ing it with average Pokémon Joe’s, that is, using a team of average to excellent and no perfect IV’s or maxxed out CP’s, or maybe just using just one or two is…

It’s not how fast you can beat it but rather is… Can you beat it? “Two can Duo it all right, and Yes, Iligan can, We can Duo it too!” So, have you considered duo-ing it too?

Dou-ing it with an absolute perfect team maybe a guarantee but you’ll never know and be surprised what your average Pokémon Joe’s are also capable of dou-ing too.

Duo What?
Duo What?

Let’s make use of what we’re training our Pokémon’s for. If you feel you’re up to the challenge now, find a partner, team-up, and try duo-ing it too some times, it’s really fun!

Iligan Pokemon GO Community

Yet, one should always keep in mind. This game of Pokémon GO is not just worthwhile as it makes us get out and GO but all things considered, it is just half of it.

What makes this Number one mobile game really fun is also not just about the thrill of knowing and catching what new Pokémon one will be encountering next.

But this game is all about meeting someone new and building a community. Or a start of a beautiful friendship or making long lasting friendships with someone anew.

This game is still here to stay! Our Iligan City Pokémon GO Community here has only grown stronger than ever thru the years! We’re still here! Poké On!

Written By: YuriMik2007


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